The Head of the Presidential Council (PC), Fayez Al-Sarraj, adopted Tuesday the security plan of Greater Tripoli prepared by the Security Arrangements Committee, established pursuant to decision No. 1303 of the PC.

A statement issued by the Information Office of the PC on its Facebook page explained that the security arrangements aimed to ensure the security of citizens and private and public property, in addition, to establish public order based on security forces and regular police working according to professional standards.

The plan also defines coordination mechanisms with the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), taking all necessary security, military and civilian measures.

The PC began the implementation of the security arrangements contained in the political agreement in Skhirat, within the framework of the unification of the state security institutions to move the country to a stage of permanent stability in the wake of the security tension that took place in the capital Tripoli.

For its part, the UNSMIL welcomed the step, noting in a tweet “The plan prepared by the security arrangements committee as per decree 1303 and aims at establishing regular professional forces,” adding that the mission is looking forward for the initiating of the implementation process.

The UN envoy to Libya, Ghassan Salame, confirmed in a statement to the London-based newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat on October 14 that it was he who set up the new plan of security arrangements in Tripoli and presented it to Al-Sarraj, in which the latter agreed to, and adopted without a change.

Salame explained that the new plan provides for replacing the former security arrangements committee in the capital with a stronger one, which represents various security services, stressing that a representative of the UNSMIL is attending the Committee’s meetings on a daily basis.
